Ask anyone who has a glass garden room and they will all tell you the same thing ... they wouldn’t want to be without it. Adding a glass room is more than adding an extension to your home, it opens up a whole world of possibilities.
A glass room makes a home bigger without going through the hassle of planning permits, messy brick and mortar, and builders walking all over your property. Not to mention that a glass room is considerably cheaper than a brick extension.
For people who love the outdoors, a glass room is a little piece of paradise. Regardless what the weather is like, they can enjoy the sunrise over breakfast, see the sun go down without being bitten by bugs, or watch the kids play in the snow from the comfort of an armchair.

If you’re worried about the heat or the cold of such a room, don’t be, modern glass rooms are not like old-fashioned verandas. These days you can enjoy your glass room all year round thanks to a ThermoCore foam roof and wall system that in addition to bringing you comfort is also energy saving.
People who entertain regularly often worry about guests walking all over the house and possibly spill something on an expensive carpet. By having a sunroom that worry disappears. With the right furniture, a sunroom can be just as elegant and welcoming as a dining room but offers privacy.
Do you feel that the kids are making too much noise with their computer games? Direct them to the sunroom. Here they can play and scream and shout to their heart's content.
If on the other hand, you would like a place of your own, a sunroom is an ideal getaway. With a comfortable chair in place, this will be your spot to curl up with a good book and a cup of tea. The place where you can relax and catch your breath.
Do you have a hobby like sewing, woodcarving, or pottery? Nice and creative as these hobbies are, they can get a little messy. Move your hobby to the sunroom and suddenly you don’t have to worry about the mess anymore. Not to mention that a sunroom, with light from all sides, is the ideal place to draw and paint.
Stargazers will be thrilled with a glass room. No longer do they have to put up with the cold to look at the heavens. With a glass roof, a sunroom is the perfect place to set up a telescope and peer at the various constellations without the inconvenience of freezing hands or feet.
If the idea of a glass garden room appeals to you, but you’re not sure what’s on offer or what you would like, request a brochure or have a look online at what’s available. For installation, you can rely on the technicians of bespoke Glass Garden Rooms too, so you won’t have to lift a finger.
Whatever your reason, once you have a sunroom you’ll wonder how you ever managed without one.