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Established 2004

Outdoor SunSpaces News


With the weather getting warmer and the days getting longer, you may be considering the option of working outdoors, or anywhere near the sun, for that matter!
A huge majority of the UK now work from home or partake in the hybrid-working model, resulting in the modern-day office becoming a work setting of the past. So, if you have a sunroom or if you're planning on getting one, could you use it as a garden office workspace? 

garden office


If working from home has become the new normal for you, it might be time to start thinking about setting up a proper office.


Businesses up and down the country are keeping their employees out of the office for as long as possible to avoid an outbreak of COVID-19, some are even considering allowing people to work from home indefinitely! Of course, few people ever thought that they'd find themselves in this position and even fewer have dedicated office spaces in their homes.


Speaking to people who find themselves suddenly working from home, you'll hear the same difficulties come up time and time again. "I don't have a proper space where I won't be disturbed by the kids", "I'm having to use the coffee table as a desk", "I'm struggling to separate work and home life"... the list goes on. 


Well, we've been thinking about possible solutions for these people, and we think a sunroom office could be the answer to all these problems. You've probably seen previous blogs we've shared about adding a garden office to your home before, but today we're going to talk about converting your sunroom into an office.


Strip it back

To convert your sunroom into an office, the first thing you need to do is declutter. What are you using your sunroom for currently? Is it a cosy relaxation space? An outdoor dining area? Or simply extra storage space?


However you're using your sunroom, you'll need to strip it back if you want to create a functional office, and while the dining table might be a healthy addition to your new office - beanbags, blankets and dog beds definitely won't. 


The best workspaces are free from clutter and fairly minimal in design. Having too many 'things' around can distract you from your work and make you feel overwhelmed. So, take a look at your sunroom and decide what needs to come out of there so your office conversion can commence.


Converting your sunroom into an office

The way that you set up your new garden office conversion can have a huge impact on your productivity. As we've previously mentioned, minimal design and clutter-free spaces are ideal. You should consider:

  • Facing your desk away from the garden so you don't get distracted by things in the garden
  • Taking advantage of the natural light by keeping windows and doors clear of furniture
  • Allowing space for things you need for work eg. paperwork, folders, coffee (of course!)
  • Closing the door and reminding people not to disturb you during work hours
  • Keeping your phone out of reach


Benefits of a sunroom office conversion

So, by now you're probably wondering - why should I convert my sunroom rather than another room in the house? There are a few benefits to choosing an outdoor office, including:

  • Lots of natural light
  • Easy access to fresh air
  • An obvious separation between your 'work' space and your 'home' space

If you don't already have a sunroom that you can convert into an office, we can help! We have a wide range of sunrooms that can be fully customised with lights, heaters and shades to help you create the perfect office space. Get in touch to find out more.

Browse All Sunrooms >




If you work from home, you might find it hard to distinguish between your home and working life. Fresh air and natural light really help to sustain a good mood over the course of a working day so why not move your office into a SunSpace Garden Room or Verandas?

Why add a garden office?

There are all kinds of reasons to get your work done in a garden room instead of in the living room, sat up to the dining table, or - heaven forbid - in bed. These include:
More natural light. Natural light has a very positive effect on one's brain and overall health compared to artificial lighting. It's even been suggested that exposing workers to natural light improves their performance. You can also enjoy a beautiful view of your garden while you work! 
Fresh air. Want to let some fresh air into your workspace? If your workspace is a garden room, all you have to do is open the doors. Of course, if you're working under one of our verandas, you don't even have to do that much!
A chance to get away from everyday life. One of the biggest challenges facing those who work from home is the separation of work from home life. Your home is probably full of distractions, and having a garden office that's dedicated to working and completely removed from the rest of your house could do wonders for your productivity.

Why choose SunSpaces?

Ready to add your garden office? Click here to get started, or call 029 2080 3755 for more information.

One of the most popular uses for our structures is as a garden office room, and it isn't difficult to see why. Not only does it provide you the convenience of a dedicated, at-home work area, it also allows you to watch the world go by as you complete your tasks, placing you in a non-clinical working environment. 

If you're thinking of purchasing one of our garden rooms with a view to using it as an office, or if you already have a garden room you're looking to use in this way, we have a few suggestions to help you turn it into an attractive and functional work station! 

Cool Planters

While you may think that being in your garden is more than enough greenery for you, house plants can be a simple and attractive way to add some colour to any office. It also allows you to bring the outside in, creating a sense of unity and harmony between the two spaces.
We love these, modern, minimal planters, both from Etsy! The one on the right is from Pasinga, and the one on the left is from Sort London.

Get Organized

While this may seem like a more practical suggestion, that doesn't mean that it has to be boring! There are lots of cool storage accessories available these days, allowing you to keep everything in its place while adding some nice touches to your decor scheme.
This hanging copper basket from Henry & Future is ideal for keeping notebooks and letters safe, while this wooden organiser from Chocolate Creative is great for storing notes, gadgets and pens!

It all Starts With a Desk

Again, this may seem pretty obvious, but there are so many different designs available that it may be hard to make a choice! Depending on your needs, you could go for something minimal and modern that compliments the rest of your space, or you could go for a design that gives you lots of storage and handy segmenting abilities. 

The Micke Workstation from Ikea is ideal for people who need a lot of storage, giving you space for, books, files and whatever decorative pieces that take your fancy. This Puro desk from Dwell is certainly one for the image-led, although you always have the freedom to add your own desktop and side table storage if you wish.

Bring me Coffee

Lets face it, if you're going to be using somewhere to work, you're going to need a hot beverage to get you through (no matter how nice your space is). Like everything featured on this post, we think that coffee breaks can be as stylish as they are essential. 

Want to keep that shiny, new desk stain free? Use these pretty, copper coasters from Mia Fleur. This Cafetiere from Lakeland is also a great vessel to serve up your brew of choice in! 
Want to find out more about getting a garden office? Get in touch with us today!