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Established 2004

Outdoor SunSpaces News

Our sunrooms take 2-3 days to install, while SunSpaces verandas can be installed in just 1-2 days!


Completed sunroom installation


Nobody likes having their routine interrupted. We've met a lot of people who wanted to add a picturesque sunroom to their properties, but refrained because they thought the building work would mean weeks of noise and disruption.


The good news is that adding a SunSpace to your home is a far quicker job than building a traditional sunroom or conservatory. Our expert installation and fitting team are organised and efficient, and they're able to complete most jobs in a couple of days.



Self isolating


With the UK's total number of COVID-19 (coronavirus) cases on the rise once more, many people are being asked to self-isolate in order to help slow the disease down. In particular, you MUST stay at home if:

  • You display symptoms of COVID-19, such as a high temperature or a new, continuous cough
  • You test positive for COVID-19
  • You are asked to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace
  • You enter the UK from a non-exempt country (see for details)


But self-isolation, while necessary, can take a real toll on your mental health - especially if you've already been experiencing frequent periods of extended isolation for some time, as is the case for half a million older people in the UK.


With that in mind, here are 3 tips to help you stay as happy and healthy as possible while you're limiting your contact with the world outside your home.


1. Establish a routine.

Ensuring that your days and nights have a consistent structure will help you to safeguard your mental health during this stressful time. Good sleep hygiene is essential - try to wake up at the same time every morning and go to bed at the same time every evening.


During the day, try to stick to a routine so that you're never unsure of what to do with yourself. Eat three meals a day; tune in to your favourite television programmes; schedule regular telephone calls with your loved ones; and assign different activities to different parts of the day. For example, you could garden after lunch and read in the evening.


2. Keep yourself entertained.

Sustained boredom can be very damaging, so it's important to find a variety of ways to occupy yourself during periods of isolation. You probably already have your own hobbies and interests - perhaps even a project or two that you can work on - but if you're not used to staying at home for long stretches of time, you may need to branch out and find new sources of entertainment now.


This may be a good time to sign up for a streaming service like Netflix or Amazon Prime; there's also the BBC iPlayer, which allows you to watch all kinds of programmes you might have missed. Elsewhere on the Internet, there are countless communities on websites like Facebook and Reddit - have a look and you're sure to find a group of people with the same interests as you.


But not all entertainment has to revolve around screens. Self-isolation could also be a great opportunity to catch up on those books you've been meaning to read, or take up gardening, or even learn something new - if you've ever want to speak French or learn how to knit, now is the perfect time to start!


3. Go outside if you can.

Staying at home doesn't necessarily have to mean staying indoors. If you have a garden, you should definitely be making use of it while isolated. Fresh air and outdoor activity can bolster your mental health, and it's important to go out in the sun when you can and top up your vitamin D levels.


Alternatively, relaxing in your conservatory or garden room can be a great way to take a break from it all and give yourself a chance to breathe.


However you do it, please be sure to look after yourself during this stressful and potentially lonely time. If you have elderly and/or vulnerable relatives who are self-isolating at the moment, be sure to stay in touch with them - you may not be able to visit them, but you can still speak to them on the phone or chat online.


If you are considering adding a SunSpace to your home this spring, please bear in mind that our products require very little installation time. Our verandas typically take 1-2 days to install, while our sunrooms take just 2-3 days. This means that disruption to your schedule - and contact with our installers - will be minimal.


Originally published in March 2020. Updated 5th November 2020. Image from Pixabay

Verandas around the world


Verandas are both beautiful and practical, and they can add a lot of value to a property. But do you know just how widespread they are? Many cultures and architectural styles have used verandas not only as a stylish aesthetic feature, but also as a clever solution to housing issues that have arisen in certain places and periods.


In this blog post, we'll show you some popular veranda types from around the world - prepare to be inspired!



Did you catch last night’s episode of Love Your Garden? If you did, you will have seen our Aspire Veranda and Awning featuring prominently in Kirsty’s garden transformation! Missed the episode? No problem – catch up on all the details here.



Kirsty’s Story

This episode of Love Your Garden was in aid of a recently widowed wife, Kirsty and her two adorable twins Phoebe and Sam. Their husband/father Kevin tragically passed away after suffering a brain aneurysm on New Year’s Day, and Kirsty bravely donated his organs so that he could go on to save the lives of others. Something that she finds comfort in each and every day.


Kirsty was born with an inherited hereditary condition known as Stickler syndrome. It’s characterised by distinct facial features, hearing, sight and joint problems. Until falling pregnant, Kirsty didn’t even know if she would be able to conceive – it was a miracle! She knew that there was a 50/50 chance of the gene been carried through to her children, and unfortunately her daughter, Phoebe, inherited the condition.


Since her husband’s passing, Kirsty has been looking after the two twins on her own. Her condition means she struggles with her vision, her hearing and is also unable to drive. That means, a lot of her free time with the children is spent at home or in local play areas, so having a relaxing and safe environment at home is a must!


With everything that Kirsty has been trough over the last few years, we wanted help transform her outdoor living space with the addition of our Aspire Veranda from SunSpaces and Awning to her Love Your garden renovation.


The Existing Garden



The home that Kirsty and the twins moved into has a large garden space, but it looked quite run down and wasn’t very inspiring, safe, or relaxing. With Phoebe’s Stickler’s syndrome, she needs a safe and sensory-stimulating space to explore with her brother Sam.


Kirsty loves flowers and really wanted to bring the garden to life with some flower beds and a seating area. Of course, with her condition, Kirsty spends a lot of time at home, so the Love Your Garden team wanted to give her a space that she could enjoy all year round. That’s where we came in!


Our design specialists created this 3D design of the space to show Kirsty how it would look before work began. As you can see, we were able to render everything including her new deck, her SunSpaces veranda and even her garden furniture. This 3D picture helped the Love Your Garden team to work through the project while keeping the finished design in mind.


The Garden Transformation



Using one of our bestselling Aspire verandas, Alan and the Love Your Garden team completely renovated the rear garden! Now, Kirsty and the twins can pop into the back-garden rain or shine – the SunSpace will provide shelter while the awning provides shade.


They complemented this practical garden structure with DeckPlus composite decking, a TimberTech composite handrail, a wide range of plants and flowers and some modern yet comfortable furniture. All of these new features are incredibly easy to maintain, provide a range of sensory experience and will look great for years to come.


At the bottom of the garden, the team added a brand-new slide in a bright teal that the twins will love, they created a separate sheltered seating area and some wonderful plant beds. All of which are safe for Sam and Phoebe to enjoy.


We hope that Kirsty’s SunSpace will be a place of peace and playfulness in the years to come and we’ve loved being part of this incredible transformation.


For more information about the SunSpace Aspire Veranda or Awning featured in this episode, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We can even help you achieve a garden transformation of your own.