If you are the proud owner of a SunSpaces veranda, chances are you’ll want to keep it looking clean and tidy.
After all, who wants to invest in a beautiful state-of-the-art veranda, only to see it become an eyesore due to lack of care and maintenance?
Well, fear not, verandarers of the UK – help is at hand and it comes in the form of elbow grease and a soapy sponge.

Cleaning Your Veranda: Things to Avoid
As a general rule of thumb, in order to avoid damaging your stunning SunSpace in pursuit of pristine sheen, the “softly, softly” approach is the best course of action. Remember, while all SunSpaces verandas are made of the highest quality materials, they aren’t indestructible.
Corrosive chemicals and heavy-duty cleaning agents could prove damaging to your pride and joy, so avoid using acidic cleaning products.
Meanwhile, refrain from using harsh cleaning tools like scouring pads, abrasive implements and sharp objects, as these could leave notable scratches.
Similarly, it’s also worth avoiding using a pressure washer as well, as the powerful jets could also cause damage, particularly to seals and moving parts.
Top Tips for a Clean Veranda
So, by now you should be well-equipped with the knowledge and know-how of what NOT to do. It’s only fitting we let you in on the other half of the equation and tell you exactly what you SHOULD do.
Here are a few handy hints and tips to keep your veranda looking great!
Cleaning Glass Panels
Whether you have opted for a glass or polycarbonate roof for your veranda, keeping it clean can make a monumental difference to the appearance of your outdoor living space, not to mention your enjoyment of it.
To keep your panels clean as a proverbial whistle, mix a small amount of pH-neutral cleaning product with plenty of water and apply with a soft cloth. This will help prevent any gritty dirt from scratching the glass while you clean.
If you have opted for the optional glass side panels, repeat the same process as above, taking care not to scratch the surface.
Cleaning Aluminium Parts
Keeping the aluminium frames clean can also make a big difference with regards to the overall appearance of the veranda, particularly if you have opted for a white frame.
Again, taking the gentle route to cleanliness, mix a small amount of pH-neutral detergent with plenty of clean water and apply using a soft sponge.
If possible, aim to give your aluminium frame a once over at least once a year to keep it looking as good as new.
Cleaning the Fabric
If you have accessorised your veranda to include a sunshade, you may want to give these areas a bit of occasional TLC to remove excess dirt and dust.
Gently remove the loose dirt and dust build-up by simply going over the problem areas with a soft brush or using a vacuum cleaner on a low setting.
This technique is also a good way to get rid of any unsightly cobwebs that may have built up in hard-to-reach areas, so try to tackle this issue at the same time.
For a more thorough clean of stubborn dirt and stains, mix a mild detergent with lukewarm water and gently apply with a sponge before lightly rinsing clean.
So, there you have it: one fool-proof guide to restoring your veranda to its former glory. For more top tips for a clean veranda, why not drop us a line today? Call now on 01727 845 788 or get in touch online by clicking the button below.
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