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Established 2004

Outdoor SunSpaces News

Garden rooms are a perfect way to make the most of your garden all year round, and offer a peaceful, relaxing hideaway that offers the benefits of home, while being removed from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the house. A Sunspace garden room could give you a cosy, dedicated space to enjoy all of your favourite hobbies, here are just a few ideas:

garden room flowers
Gardener's Dream Den
The light, bright nature of garden rooms makes them the perfect place for growing indoor plants, which is great for home gardeners and allotment owners. Use your room for sprouting seeds, or sit down and plan your vegi patch schedule.
All-Year Art Studio 
Nature is known to be one of the greatest inspirations behind some of the most famous works of art, making garden rooms a great place to find some outdoor inspiration while remaining warm and dry. The slightly removed nature of the rooms also make it easy to keep all your messy materials away from the rest of the house.
cosy garden room
Cosy Reading Nook
Garden rooms are an ideal place to snatch a moment of peace and quiet, and curl up on your comfiest chair with a cuppa and a great book!
Garden Yoga Studio
As well as being exceedingly inspirational, nature is also known to be great source of relaxation. Just imagine meditating in one of our garden rooms, looking out at lovely green trees with the gentle sound of rain pattering outside. It doesn't get much more relaxing than that!
Birdwatching Perch
Our garden rooms can be installed with sliding glass walls to give you a great view of all the goings-on in your garden. This makes them ideal for nature lovers, particularly bird watchers! Just grab your binoculars, and see how many feathered visitors you can spot.
To get a better idea of the garden rooms we have on offer, request your free brochure today, or get in touch with us to discuss your vision! 

At SunSpaces, we are committed to creating beautiful, bespoke extensions that are truly unique and tailored to your specific needs. Our sunrooms are designed to offer the best combination of practicality and visual appeal to those who are looking for a modern, minimalistic design, making the most of your home without distracting from it. 

Our glass rooms with sliding walls are an ideal choice for those thinking about installing a dedicated sunroom, thanks to their sleek, minimal design and functionality.
The range of bespoke sizes available to our customers means that your sunroom design can be planned and fitted with the dimensions of your home and garden in mind, as well as your desired use of space. 
The sliding glass walls also provide easy access to and from your outdoor area, while also making the best use of light and space. Free from chunky frames and opaque surfaces, these chic designs reduce the sense of disconnect between your home and garden, allowing your sunroom to fuse seamlessly with the rest of your house. 
glass sunroom