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Established 2004

Outdoor SunSpaces News

Although carports appear to leave your car open to the elements, evidence suggests that parking your car under a carport can prevent your vehicle from frosting over, even in minus temperatures. Carports also protect your car from heavy snowfall that can damage the finish of your vehicle over time.


By investing in a carport, you can shed valuable time off your winter morning routine because you won’t have to rush out of bed early to defrost the car!


The Science Behind the Carport?


When you go outside on a cold night, you’ll notice that you lose heat from your body very quickly. The same thing is happening to your car that’s parked outside.

When your car gets below a certain temperature, water condenses out of the air onto it and freezes causing frost. If your car is parked under a carport the roof of the carport will radiate some heat down onto the surface of your car, preventing water from the air condensing and freezing onto your windshield.


Carports at SunSpaces


At SunSpaces we offer two types of carports; Pitched Roof Carports, and Free-Standing Arched Carports.



Pitched Roof Carports


Our Pitched Roof Carports are installed as an extension to your existing property. They are available in four colours and a range of sizes to suit your needs. Find out more about Pitched Roof Carports here.



Free-Standing Arched Carports


Our Free-Standing Arched Carports are a great option if you can’t attach a carport to your property, or if you have space for a detached carport. They are also available in four colours and various sizes as required. Find out more about our Free-Standing Arched Carports here.


Whether you choose a Pitched Roof Carport or a Free-Standing Arched Carport, know that you are making a practical and stylish investment for the years to come.


If you have any questions regarding our carports give us a call on: 029 2080 3756 or email us at: