Call 029 2080 3756 or visit Why add a SunSpace? In Britain, we are destined to endure unpredictable weather all year round. Rain when it’s supposed to be sunny, warmth when it’s supposed to snow – leaving us with on-going trust issues with the weather forecast. Here at SunSpaces we strive to outsmart the rain and wind and create an outdoor space that allows you to enjoy your garden for longer each year – from March all the way through to October (our glass extensions are fully insulated for year round use, whatever the weather)! Each of our outdoor structures give you well-needed protection from the elements whether it’s from winter downpours, wind or the summer sun. Horizon garden room J A N F E B M AR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT N O V D E C WITHOUT J A N F E B M AR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT N O V D E C WITH 4 ”We are really thrilled with our new SunSpace veranda. It looks brilliant on the back of the house and makes the whole place look really modern. Plus it’s massively practical. Allowing us to continue using our outdoor space even when it is raining or slightly cool. Its like having another room to the house! We wouldn't hesitate to recommend." ★★★★★ Esther Piper, Enfield, London